Discover The Magic of the Tarot!
Make This Your Year to Empower Yourself with Divine Sight!
Learn this century old divination art
as part of a fun, low pressure, high vibe tarot tribe!
Together, we’ll get you reading Tarot confidently in no time without sneaking peeks at the “little white book”! Tarot is an activator of your own wellspring of inner guidance. It’s deep; but it doesn’t need to be dark, scary or complicated… and you don’t need to join a secret society or follow a certain spiritual path to put it’s magic to work for you!
Tarot Reading is a skill. Anyone can learn! All you need to do is set your intention for success and combine it with your will to succeed. Desire+Action= Outcome! Let’s get started!
Join me for…
The Sorella’s Tarot Circle: A Year of Divine Sight is an ongoing program open to men and women. This is an open enrollment program, which means you can join at any time. When you circle up for the 12-month Sorella’s Tarot Circle, you’ll receive:
*Live one-hour Q & A call each month (on Zoom)
You’ll be fully supported through each Tarot lesson with live Q&A calls. Each month, I’ll hold a Zoom call to answer your questions and to circle up in community. (Value: $1,200)
*One pre-recorded 60-minute Tarot lesson each month
Each month you will receive a lesson featuring one new tarot technique or concept and learn to relate it to your own life experience. This is a crucial and often overlooked step in learning to give powerful readings, whether it’s for your own personal development or for friends and family! (Value: $1,200)
Additionally, New Tarot Circle Members will learn about the history and structure of the tarot as well as the suits, tarot elements, tarot numerology and tarot astrology. Returning Tarot Circle Members will dive deeper into the Signs and Houses of Astrology studying one sign each month. A private recorded class video link will be sent to you (either Level 1 or Level 2) by email by the 30th of each month.
*Mystical Support Materials
Each month’s empowering Tarot lesson will be accompanied by complimentary reference materials to support you on your journey.
*Private Community Facebook Group
You’ll be a part of this sacred safe space and community. Get your questions answered, dive deeper into understanding the Tarot and enjoy pop-up mini-classes and activities. All of our Mystical Support Materials will be posted in the group. This includes monthly and daily themed lessons and readings.
* A Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck. This deck is the basis for most modern tarot decks and I believe it to be the best foundational deck for learning. You may use another Rider Waite Smith themed deck if you have one you resonate with but please know the symbolism and magical correspondences may be slightly different to what is discussed in class and in the group depending on the intention of the deck’s author and artist.
Click here to purchase -> US Games Systems and also available through
-> Amazon.
*Any Journal or Notebook and a Pen or Pencil.
Discover The Magic of the Tarot!
Join Sorella’s Tarot Circle Today!
CHOOSE THE SINGLE PAY OPTION, SAVE $ AND RECEIVE A VALUABLE BONUS: You’ll receive a personalized three card (past, present, future) video recorded tarot reading to answer your #1 burning question. This is a powerful three card reading to help you gain clarity and focus your energies for the year ahead. (Value: $40)
Cancellation Policy: There are no refunds given. Your credit card will automatically be billed each month if you choose the 12 month subscription payment plan. I hope you love the program, but if you choose to cancel your subscription you may do so at any time and your payments will stop. If you cancel you will have access to the classroom material and online Facebook Group through your next payment date at which point all payments will stop, your access to the classroom materials will stop and you will be removed from the Facebook Group.
**Please note that Sorella’s Tarot Circle is a year long, ongoing program. This schedule represents a window of activities and meetings but members are welcome to register any time.