Be Present in Your Practice!

Be Present! This means to turn off our tendency to live on autopilot. It means mindful movement. It means living in your body. It means focusing your attention on what you are doing at any given moment. We, humans, are creatures of routine and ritual. Through our...

Embrace Your Mistakes

It all begins with embracing your mistakes. Let’s face it, sooner or later, each of us makes mistakes. We make them in life, in work and in performing! I was reading an article earlier today in which the author stated, “the fear of failure is directly proportional to...

The Spirituality of Broadway Musicals

  It was my pleasure to perform at The Spirituality of Broadway Musicals. The latest in an ongoing lecture-concert series titled, The Spirituality of Popular Music, conceived and produced by Rev. Dwight Lee Wolter, Pastor of the Congregational Church of...

Music Teacher or Song Teacher

Yes, there really is a difference!  There are a lot of similarities between song teachers and music teachers. For instance, they teach a variety of instruments, they teach students to play and/or sing their favorite songs, and they may also teach at a local music...

Best of LI

Hi Everyone! My family’s business Medford Music House has been nominated for Best Music Store on LI. Please vote for us! Thanks!!! Best of Long Island 2015 Best Shopping!!! Thank you!