Cerridwen The Cauldron of Regret

Cerridwen The Cauldron of Regret

Woosh! The sound of my email being sent felt especially gratifying! I had finally finished my article, Step Into Your Light with The Dark Goddesses, and it was off for publication in Aspire Magazine’s October issue. Time for some well deserved rest and relaxation....
The Song, The Moon and The Morrighan

The Song, The Moon and The Morrighan

“It’s a beautiful night and I’m stuck inside with writers block!”, I said in a huff of frustration. I’d been staring at the fragments of paragraphs, the single line ideas, the random thoughts from which I needed to pull great wisdom in a matter of hours and nothing!...
Mercury: The Caduceus of Kindness

Mercury: The Caduceus of Kindness

30 years. Can it really be 30 years? l think to myself. October 2021, October 1991. “Yes, it’s 30 years”, I said aloud after running the math in my head again for the millionth time. Before graduate school, before banking, before buying a house, before so many things,...
Freya: Traveling Under Divine Protection

Freya: Traveling Under Divine Protection

“Why did I do this? Why’d I even bother?”, I thought to myself as I stood before my under decorated holiday tree. “I should never have opened the box! I have no time for this! It was bad enough that my car was dying, wouldn’t pass inspection and I had to buy a new car...
Vesta: The Voice of The Hearth

Vesta: The Voice of The Hearth

“Unbelievable! Halloween’s barely over and holiday trees are up everywhere!”, I muttered to myself, shaking my head as I walked into the store. “Why am I surprised?”, I think to myself. “They were probably on display two weeks ago, I just wasn’t out shopping.” The...
Hecate: Your Voice is The Key!

Hecate: Your Voice is The Key!

“The air is so cold”, I think to myself. The sunlight is dimming over the homes in my neighborhood, the sky has already changed to winter light, and a firm breeze wafts over me blowing my hair awry and stirring up the red and gold autumn leaves that have fallen due to...
Oya: Stay in Faith, Changemaker!

Oya: Stay in Faith, Changemaker!

“It’s OK, Little Tree! Don’t worry, you’ll be OK! You need the rain!”, I cried from my office window. I was deeply concerned about Little Tree. She had been planted in the hole left by the landscapers when they mercilessly chopped down my beloved eleven year old birch...
Lakshmi and The Don’t Want Virus

Lakshmi and The Don’t Want Virus

“Oh, I’m so confused.”, I sighed “I don’t like this model. I’m not crazy about these features.” Five automobile websites and still nothing that makes my heart sing. I thought I wanted an SUV since I miss having a truck, but I really do love having a car. This is such...
Keys to DIY Voice Care Part 3 Breath

Keys to DIY Voice Care Part 3 Breath

Speaking is a verb. So many of us never think about it. It’s just something we do. Nothing special about it. Speaking isn’t like running or jumping. Speaking doesn’t require physical exertion. Therein lies the myth. We do not think of speaking as a verb in terms of...
Keys to DIY Voice Care Part 2 Rest!

Keys to DIY Voice Care Part 2 Rest!

I know this sounds obvious but again it’s something we rarely think about. Resting your voice. Finding the natural break or “nap time” for your voice during the day is of utmost importance. Studies show that 48% of teachers report vocal strain year after year. Most of...
Keys to DIY Voice Care Part 1 Moisture

Keys to DIY Voice Care Part 1 Moisture

The voice loves moisture! It loves humidifiers, warm steam, gargling and drinking lots of water. Conversely, it dislikes anything that has a drying effect such as hot air in the house during winter and dry air in hotels. It dislikes dryness so much that the body...
Resilience is Beautiful!

Resilience is Beautiful!

A few weeks ago I was lucky to beat out the deep freeze and make a trip to NYC to see Beautiful: The Carole King Musical. In the show, Carole’s songwriting agent tells her she’s a success because she’s a girl and she writes girl songs. While this is true, I believe...
Happy New Year 2019!

Happy New Year 2019!

  “Life is a process of growing and outgrowing, and what fits snugly today, be it an idea, attitude, or belief, may be entirely the wrong size tomorrow.”  ~Sally Brompton 2018 has been a whirlwind! So much has happened. So many new blessings, people, places,...
Christmastime in NYC

Christmastime in NYC

I write this under the light of the Cancer Full Moon on the evening following the Winter Solstice here in New York. Cancer, the nurturing mother of the zodiac brings her energy to us just as those of us who are Christian are lighting the candle of Peace. I was blessed...