“The air is so cold”, I think to myself. The sunlight is dimming over the homes in my neighborhood, the sky has already changed to winter light, and a firm breeze wafts over me blowing my hair awry and stirring up the red and gold autumn leaves that have fallen due to last week’s nor’easter storm. I’ve walked this path many times this year, across the street from my house, winding through the River Walk, past the gazebo and down to the Patchogue River.

I like it because it’s quiet and I can talk to the trees as I wander. It allows me to tune in to nature and it’s only a block or two away from home. I pause by the gazebo and let the sounds of the cars disappear. All I hear is the wind rustling through the trees and the birds calling to each other. I see a squirrel run by gathering acorns. I smile; then return to my thoughts.

So much has happened these last few weeks since the Autumn Equinox and Mabon. My shadow season has been filled with sad news and the transition of several friends to the other side of the veil. I gaze thoughtfully at the trees and think back to August, Lammas, and the mediation that I use this time of year, the time I call Nature’s Decrescendo.

We have indeed reached Summer’s End here in my village. “Summer’s End”, is a translation of the Celtic word Samhian, pronounced as “sow’en” in English. Samhain, corresponds to the American holiday Halloween (All Hallows’ Eve) and Hallowmas (All Hallows’ Day), meaning the Christian All Saints’ Day which is immediately followed by All Souls’ Day (Day of The Beloved Dead).

This is a special time of year for me for quite a different reason than you might expect. This week of Samhain, is the anniversary of my 2nd birthday. Twenty-eight years ago I was very ill. No one knew what it was. I had been to see the on-call doctor as my regular physician was on vacation, my parents had taken me to the hospital the next week, medications had been prescribed and yet, another week later I was driven to a different hospital by my parents. I can’t imagine how they must have felt. I only know I was in a lot of pain and very scared.

The on-call surgeon saved my life and I recount my blessings on this walk. Perhaps it’s age. Maybe it’s all that’s happened recently. Being surrounded by death and illness the last few weeks, I find myself wondering how it got to be twenty-eight years later and more importantly, what the heck have I done with my added time on earth.

Rounding the gazebo, I find myself at the opening of the gate that separates the homes from the River Walk. I look at the time, the sun is just about at the horizon and it will be dark soon. I throw my arms up and say, “Oh forget it, just go home!” As I turn back, a voice from behind stops me in my tracks.

Why do you wish to turn back, Daughter?

I slowly turn around toward the gate again and marvel at the Goddess standing at its threshold.

“Hecate?”, I whisper.

Yes, Daughter. I asked why it is you wish to turn back.

“I’m tired, Goddess. I’m sadden by the loss of my friends and I’m disappointed with how life has turned out.”

Disappointed? Whatever for, Daughter?

“Well, my life hasn’t turned out the way I planned. Not by a long shot!”

Why do you say that, Kathleen?

“Well, um…ah… The dreams I had didn’t come true.”

Really? It seems to me you lead a rather dreamy life. You have a family that loves you. You were given parents who saved your life more than once! You own your own home. You are financially independent. You’re working on your music, your Voice and Biz Alchemy coaching and your metaphysical business. Your friends all want to sing with you and involve you in their creative projects. You’ve been invited to speak at three conferences in the last year. You’ve been interviewed for a variety of podcasts and your students all love you!!! Yes, granted, your house is messy! But only because you are living your life! It’s like your friend, Miss Nancy, always tells you, “ You’ll only have to vacuum again next week anyway.”

“Yeah, things are good, Goddess. I’m not complaining. I’m just wondering how things might have been.”

Oh Kathleen, that’s a realm you want to steer clear of. The Land of Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda is no place for anyone!

“I know, Goddess, but I do wonder where the years have gone. I vowed to make a difference and I don’t see it at all.”

Difference? Difference in what?

“Difference in people’s lives!”

Oh, we’re back to that again. Didn’t you discuss all this with Oya?

“I did; but it’s still bothering me!”

Well then, it’s time to make another choice and that doesn’t mean you have to chuck it all!

“Then what do I do, Hecate? I’m so tired of starting over.”

Ah, now we get to the real reason why you want to turn back.


You’re tired of starting over.

“Yes, Goddess.”

Look around you, Dear One. Life is always starting over. Your beloved trees drop their leaves each fall and come back to life renewed in spring. The grass, the flowers, they all start over. Even the river turns to solid ice and back again!

That’s the magic! It’s the gift of being able to start over! It’s no coincidence that many spiritual traditions have a renewal celebration this time of year. It’s like that article you wrote, Reflect, Revive and Release with Nature’s Decrescendo.

Choose what matters most. If you think you’ve lost something important along the way, you’re mistaken, Dear One. Nothing is ever lost. You humans sometimes bury things through lack of focus. You also tend to think of dreams as being written in stone. Life renews and dreams change. Allow for the change.

Reconnect with your soul gifts. Stir them up, then choose the way forward as the woman you are today. Take action. Engage your powerful voice. Your voice is the key to conjuring your future.

With that, Hecate vanished!

“My voice is the key to conjuring my future?”

“My voice is the key to conjuring my future.”

“My voice is the key to conjuring my future! Oh, that’s it!”, I shouted.

“I’ve got a great idea for an astro-tarot-voice reading that will help my clients and students conjure their future by engaging the manifesting power of their voices!”

“Thank you, Hecate!”, I shouted. “Thank you very, very much!”


The Divine Voice Goddess Manifestation Reading will be available after Samhain/ Halloween. Subscribers to my AlchemyZine and Members of my Voice and Biz Alchemy Facebook group will have first access to this powerful astrology- tarot – voice reading that connects you to your special communication gifts and shows you how you most easily and naturally create the life of your dreams! Enter your info below to Join the Wait List! AND get a free video course as a bonus!

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