“Seriously, Crystal!”, I yelled through the Bluetooth while smacking the car steering wheel. “This has got to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever suggested!”

“I wouldn’t go that far, Kathleen. I’m really enjoying my first trip to the East End.”

“Thanks, Wonder Twin! But, seriously, what was I thinking scheduling a photo shoot for us at Wickham’s Fruit Farm during the height of Pick Your Own Bushel season!”

One lane in and one lane out. Welcome to the East End of Long Island!, I think to myself. I’ve lived here all my life and still, somehow, I’m surprised at the bumper to bumper traffic.

“I hope to get there soon, Crystal, right now, I’m five cars back behind a tractor. “

“Kathleen, this is Tarah. Don’t worry about us, we’re planning out locations here at the farm. All you need to do is get here safely and let us work our magic for the rest.”

“OK”, I sigh, “See you soon.”


Nine farms to visit for apple picking this fall! It sounded so enchanting reading the headline in the Long Island Press, if only I’d remembered what a disaster the traffic could be!

Don’t get me wrong, I love the East End of Long Island, especially the North Fork. I think it’s one of the most beautiful places on earth with its seascapes, family farms and friendly main streets. Today, however, I am on a schedule. This photo shoot is to promote a new venture Crystal, Tarah and I are dreaming up. Now, I’m gonna be late!

Why so impatient, Dear One?

“OMG! I mean OMGoddess!” Startled, I grab the steering wheel tighter. “Once, just once, could you give me a warning before popping in out of thin air? Especially, when I‘m driving!”

Dear One, you’re moving at a rate of 2 miles per hour.

“Thanks for the reminder. What brings you here, Pomona?”

Brings ME here? Whatever do you mean by brings ME here? I am ALWAYS here! I am the Guardian of The Orchards. I am their Numina. In these modern times some even call me, Goddess of the Apple Harvest.

“I mean into the passenger seat, Pomona.”

Oh, well that is due to you being a total party-pooper. I can’t have you spreading your down in the dumps poopiness around all the farms today.

“Could you stop with the fertilizer jokes, Pomona, and just get to the point?”

That is the point, Dear Heart. Your attitude is the anti-fertilizer! What kind of protector would I be if I allowed you to pollute the orchards with your negativity just at the moment of harvest.

“Is this your way of telling me that you arranged this little traffic jam?”

Dire measures were called for, Dear. This was the least painful of all the options. So you’ll be a little late to meet up with Crystal and Tarah, I’m sure they are enjoying the sunshine and freshness of this beautiful day. Which is more than I can say for you, Miss Party Pooper #1.

“But I have so much to do! We could only do this today what with Tarah and Crystal both flying in.”

Yes, and you who has the shortest trip is making the biggest stink!

“Again, with the fertilizer jokes.”

You know what I think, Kathleen?

“What do you think, Pomona? Hey, where did that knife come from? You know I hate knives. You can’t be twirling that thing around in the car!”

My dear, I’m a goddess I can do whatever I want. As I was saying, I think you need to do a bit of personal harvesting yourself.


Personal Harvesting, pruning if you will. That’s when you look at your life and all that you’ve got going on, your hopes and dreams you want to bring to life and make realistic choices about what you can truly cultivate by remaining constant and dedicated to your vision. Pruning is not for the lighthearted. It takes courage to cut away the things that haven’t flowered and ideas that have died on the vine.

“So what do I do just throw it all away? All the work? All the time and effort put in? This reminds me of when I was injured and had to give up singing for years. That’s not a time I want to revisit, Pomona.”

No. Pruning is about making precise decisions. One doesn’t cut away willy-nilly. It’s more like surgery.

“Surgery! This has already been my year for that! No more!”

Kathleen, you are overreacting.

“Overreacting? You’re telling me I need to cut away parts of my life, parts of myself, and then say I’m overreacting!!!”

I’m here to help. Now, do you want my help or not?

“Yes, I want your help. Just do me a favor and put the knife away.”

Oh fine. So, where was I? Oh yes, pruning. Pruning is an act of love. In your case an act of self-love. Pruning is when you cut away only those parts that no longer serve you. Think of them as the things, people, or situations that really haven’t been a priority; otherwise they would be flourishing.

There really isn’t much loss at all because these things are already on their way out. It’s more of a conscious choice to let them go for your highest good. Best of all, you can always decide to use the pruned things as seedlings for next year’s harvest.

“It doesn’t sound so bad when you put it that way. How can I do this without carving out big parts of myself?”

Here’s my advice. Make it into a Harvest Reflections Ritual, if you like.

First, find three things that fell by the wayside this summer. They can be anything at all; starting an educational video series, decluttering your basement, writing a book and put them to bed until next year. Make a note of them in your journal, calendar or box of cherished dreams. This way you don’t have to worry about forgetting them.

Next, find two things that may grow if you give them some focused attention. These might be getting together with friends while the weather is still warm or learning some new musical songs. Choose what feels right.

Lastly, redirect your energy and the time you’ve recovered from the things you put on hold to the two things you chose to flourish and bring them to fruition over the next month or so.

Choices like this happen all the time in the orchards. In the meantime, enjoy the bounty of your life everyday. I think you’ll find you have more of a harvest than you realize.

“Hmmm… I have been wanting to learn new music, why just the other day I was talking about… Pomona?”

And like that she was gone. 

What did I plan for my harvest?
What dreams can I bring to life quickly?
Which will take more time?
What may need to be pruned?
Which can I do alone?
Which will need help from others?

These are the things I ponder as we approach the Autumn Equinox and the Apple Harvest Festival known as Mabon.

“Ring! Ring! Ring!”, the incoming call broke me out of my reverie.

“Hi Crystal! I’m turning into the parking lot now. Good thing you called. I was so caught up in my thoughts, I almost missed the entrance!


If you like my Divine Voice Goddess Blog, which is filled with tips for releasing your own personal sacred voice and living as your most authentic self, you may like my AlchemyZine newsletter which gives tips for transitioning through the year with your voice, goddess wisdom, moon cycles, astrology and tarot for personal enlightenment and business success. I’m offering my Free Learn To Do 3 Card Goddess Readings Course as a gift when you sign up!




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