Here we are in the middle of June and there is so much going on! Finals Week, Prom Night,  Awards Ceremonies, Flag Day here in the US, the end of Ramadan, Father’s Day, My Birthday and Midsummer Festival AKA Summer Solstice Celebrations! 

School will soon be out for the Summer here in NY and Gemini is a sign of learning, sharing ideas, communication, words and technology, so my advice to friends, family, colleagues and clients of all ages is to keep learning! 

Summer Reading Clubs, Computer Graphics Club, Learn Canva, Redo your website, organize your photos, explore herbal medicine while the plants are in bloom! If you’re looking for something different you could try my own “Collegium” group Summer- Season of Rhythm Class which is starting soon! All of these are ways to stay engaged and use the power of Gemini!

In Moon Magic, the New Moon phase is about wishes, intentions and setting goals. You may never have noticed that the words Wish and Wisdom both start with W-I-S. Many folks just say well, yeah, so what? I say this shows the connection between our wishes (heart’s desire, hopeful outcome) and wisdom (possessing the knowledge and skill to view all possibilities). 

When we describe a person as wise, they may not necessarily be learned. They are often depicted as having, perhaps magically, attained the skill to see beyond the face value of a given situation. Much like the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz, these folks just seem to know things and are able to share their knowing at critical times in our story.

And yeah, so what? So what does this have to do with New Moon Magic? I personally feel that New Moon Wis-hes should be made embodying the spirit of gaining Wis-dom. For me this means not necessarily wishing for an object or objective to be reached but that I be granted the knowledge and develop the skills I need to create my Wish or desired outcome. For only then, does my Wish truly become mine. Only then, can I recreate and expand on my Wish/Goal/ Intention. 

This gets back to something I’ve discussed before Wish/Intent and Will/Determination. Think about Snow White singing, “I’m wishing, I’m wishing!” I think she gets a bad rap because she’s a wisher and most people leave it at that. However, if you listen to what she is singing you’ll learn that it’s only when you hear your wish echoing back to you that your wish will come true. If your wish doesn’t truly resonate with your inner wisdom or if you don’t put any muscle behind it, it disappears.  

One last thought on wishes, when does the genie appear out of Aladdin’s lamp? When the Lamp is rubbed! The source (You) needs to be polished and shined if wishes are to be granted. 

When have you been polished and shined? Which situations, conditions in your life have helped transform you from dusty and dingy into a prized treasure? How you celebrated those times in your life? I think you should. I know I do. 

So take some time, think about when your inner genie appeared? Think about when you got a spur of the moment idea (Gemini) or flash of insight (Wisdom)? What were you doing? How did you feel? Once you know what your mind, body and spirit need to access this part of yourself you can find it again and again! 

Repetition is not Gemini’s thing but Gemini loves innovation, making old ideas new. Our question for this New Moon is, “What do you have that could be brushed up?” 

If you’re not sure, come on over and join us in the Voice and Biz Alchemy group win Facebook, where I share graphics and questions to get your brainstorming (Gemini) started!

Reminder: There are seven weeks to Lammas, which is the first harvest. What’s your final push for the year? 

This triple Gemini wishes you a Happy June! 

New Moon Gemini 2018