My divorce was finalized in January of 2001. I’d left my marriage with piles of books, stacks of music, some inherited family furniture, my clothes, all of the bills, and hope. 

We had had good times and many bad times. The result of the bad times was a mountain of outstanding debt due to medical bills. My now ex-husband was out of work and had been for several years. Understanding the consequences of filing bankruptcy, both ethically and financially, and with an eye toward a better future, I assumed our outstanding marital debts. 

This led me to many dark nights of the financial soul. My imagination played out my future life as a bag lady, pushing my shopping cart full of belongings around town, maybe with one or two cats. I’ve always liked cats. 

This may sound like a funny way to open the blog about abundance and financial prosperity but both are a miracle in my life. I still don’t know exactly how I was able to juggle the money to pay the rent and a buy food during this time. I can tell you I worked three jobs, two day shifts on weekdays and another job on weekends. Not much of a fun life for a single woman in her mid-thirties. As I could barely support myself, I frequently thanked G-d that we had not had children together.  It took a couple of years but I paid everything off. 

Fast forward to 2007, I am sitting at my desk and get a phone call. The woman speaks so quickly I have to ask her to repeat herself. She tells me that I applied for housing in a new development two years before and that due to the number of applicants she had finally gotten to my name on the list. For those unfamiliar with Long Island, there is quite a housing shortage, long waitlists are normal. 

At the time, I had been investigating other states for job opportunities, not wanting to move but feeling unable to stay. I had forgotten all about the new development they were planning to build in my hometown! I jumped at the chance.

All I can say is that when the Universe wants you to be some place that’s where you are led. I received that phone call in the middle of December and I moved into my new home on May 6, 2008! My mortgage officer told me that my overnight approval was the fastest she had ever seen in her career! 

In the intervening years, I’ve had my share of set backs, my own health issues, and things have been financially tight from time to time. There have been months when I wasn’t sure I’d have enough money to pay all the bills and times when I walked through the supermarket returning items to the shelves and wondering why I was even in the store. 

During this time, I began giving thanks when I wrote out checks, made payments online or was able to buy groceries, saying “Thank you for giving me the money I need to pay my bills.” I also found myself saying, “Unexpected money is coming to me.”, whenever I felt in need. Sometimes I’d even sing it! 

This gratitude practice has served me so well that I’m still doing it!!! 

May 6, 2018 marks ten years of home ownership! I was worried I wouldn’t make the first year or two. I remember breaking down and crying a few times, and here it’s been 10 years! I’m living a part of life I never thought would happen back in 2001 when I was trapped in my bag lady nightmares. What a gift!

Why do I share this? Because most of my readers see me as someone that has it all together and I think it’s important to share the times when I didn’t but kept going. 

Bottom Line: You’ll only know for sure in hindsight. You have to believe and act on that belief. 


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