Freya: Traveling Under Divine Protection

Freya: Traveling Under Divine Protection

“Why did I do this? Why’d I even bother?”, I thought to myself as I stood before my under decorated holiday tree. “I should never have opened the box! I have no time for this! It was bad enough that my car was dying, wouldn’t pass inspection and I had to buy a new car...
Vesta: The Voice of The Hearth

Vesta: The Voice of The Hearth

“Unbelievable! Halloween’s barely over and holiday trees are up everywhere!”, I muttered to myself, shaking my head as I walked into the store. “Why am I surprised?”, I think to myself. “They were probably on display two weeks ago, I just wasn’t out shopping.” The...
Hecate: Your Voice is The Key!

Hecate: Your Voice is The Key!

“The air is so cold”, I think to myself. The sunlight is dimming over the homes in my neighborhood, the sky has already changed to winter light, and a firm breeze wafts over me blowing my hair awry and stirring up the red and gold autumn leaves that have fallen due to...