“Music is one of the most potent forms of medicine we have. It transcends physical and spiritual borders reminding us that we are all one family.” – KG


Every culture has its Earth Day One Planetmusic. Ancient texts from all over the world reference music as the highest form of sacred offering.

I believe it to be the oldest and most powerful from of “medicine” we have.

Participating in musical activity produces both individual and collective health benefits.

Music raises our spirit, our vibration, and connects us to each other, our world and the universe in ways no other form of communication could even dream of.

It allows us to time travel through history and revisit the times of our own lives. It can take us to any moment in an instant.

Music also send us outward to the farthest reaches of what we call space and can reveal the vision of a better tomorrow.

In honor of Earth Day, give a listen to something not normally on your playlist.

Choose something from an artist you’ve never heard of, maybe performed in a different language, a song from a part of the world you’ve yet to visit. If you like vocals, switch to purely instrumental or vice versa, or choose to be a time traveler and discover something new from an era that you jive with.

Let me know how it turns out!

Happy Earth Day!

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