Mid-Year Check In with The Parents of The Zodiac!

Yes, Friends, it’s time! The End of June is here and with it brings the reunion of the Zodiac’s parental units, Cancer and Capricorn.

These two were together on NYE 2018 when the Sun was in Capricorn and the Full Moon in Cancer! This time their roles are reversed! Much the way parents and caregivers will play opposing roles with their kids, Cancer and Capricorn are doing it to us!

Moon in Cancer is a wonderful placement. The Moon is Cancer’s natural home, and she thrives swimming in the dark waters of the emotional realm. Cancer’s the one who makes everything better with a hug, lends an attentive ear to help a friend in need and cooks up a welcoming meal when unexpected guests arrive. A gracious and intuitive hostess, she knows how to add just the right touch to any gathering making all who cross her path feel as if the red carpet was put out solely for them.

This month has Cancer in the Sun where she must be visible! This is not the easiest thing for our watery nurturer who likes being behind the scenes, under the layers, getting into our emotional motivations. Cancer is saying, “I’d rather be home in my bedroom reading romance novels!” Our mission, integrate her with the Sun to help bring your true deep emotions into the light. Take this time to deepen your connection to others and your work!

Capricorn is an Earth sign and as such is more happy being around the Sun’s energy. Capricorn’s ruler is Saturn and Saturn was the deity of planting seeds, agriculture, wealth and time. The Capricorn/Saturn connection supports us with systems, automation, methodology and patience. Do not confuse this with boring. Capricorn plans and they have the grit to stick it out when times get rough, running right for the top of the hill in business and in life. Wait! Capricorn is in the Moon and all that murky emotional stuff is not it’s bag! They say,“Focus! If you want to win, plan for it!”

What does all this mean?

The bottom line: This Full Moon window is shining light on The Zodiac influences of emotional intelligence (Cancer) and material world know-how (Capricorn).Queen of Pentacles RWS 2

Those of you who know I love tarot will see the energy of The Queen of Pentacles in this period. Elementally, this Queen is Water of Earth. The Queen of Pentacles is my favorite tarot queen! This may seem strange seeing as I’m a performing artist and QP is typically presented as the homemaker queen, but QP has always be at the center of my readings. At first I wondered why, then I got to know her better. Read on for what I’ve learned about her. Note: This picture is from the RWS Radiant Tarot.

The Queen of Pentacles has mastered the use of emotional impact (Cancer/Water) in her words and actions. With patience and skill (Capricorn/Earth) she has become the ruler of her material circumstances. She is the embodiment of the c-suite executive who mentors others, the teacher who knows each student’s strengths and weaknesses, the surgeon with the great bedside manner, the friend who gives practical advice and somehow always ends up buying the right gift, the parent who is loving and giving but sets clear boundaries and expectations, and the singer/songwriter who can make people cry or inspire them to action.

How can you use this archetypal energy in your life?

Do you need a mid-year check in?
Are you on target for year end goals?
Is your income growing?
Are your programs full?
Have you reviewed your marketing plan for your business?
Have you planned out your classes, blog posts or sermons for the next three months?

Think back to January, what did you hope to create by the end of the year?
How do your results stack up so far?
Plan out some grounded steps to get you there by year end.

Emotionally, are you really in tune with your joy? Take some time to figure this out. Sometimes when we have a plan and still aren’t making progress it’s because we’re disconnected from our joy.

A question I ask myself this time of year is, “How can I become a more methodical artist?” Authentic songwriting and open-hearted networking are both good answers. I am currently learning three new pieces of music for performance with friends in August. My friend, the composer, has passed away and so I ponder his intentions through his use of melodic line, phrasing and musical symbols creating a foundation upon which my voice will carry his musical meaning to others.

Speaking of music, this is a great time to write songs!
Review the moods created by various chord progressions and styles.
Infuse your performances/art/writing/teaching etc… with the emotions of your own personal experience.
Analyze your favorite singers and songs.
Why do you love them?
If your business/professional work is non-musical, how can you bring the feeling you get listening or dancing to your favorite music into your work?

Give it a shot and let me know how it goes!

Please click here to join my FREE Facebook group Voice and Biz Alchemy to learn more about Archetypal energy and how to use it with your voice and business.

For deeper study, you may be called to my Collegium: A Year of Voice Alchemy program for women which meets once a month via Zoom and has a secret Facebook group. Click here for more details.



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