“Oh, I’m so confused.”, I sighed “I don’t like this model. I’m not crazy about these features.” Five automobile websites and still nothing that makes my heart sing. I thought I wanted an SUV since I miss having a truck, but I really do love having a car. This is such a waste of time! I don’t know what I want!”
“That’s precisely the problem, Kathleen.”
I jumped so high almost knocked the laptop the floor! Looking up from my rescued computer screen. I see the bountiful goddess, Lakshmi, standing next to my desk.
“Goddess, what brings you here? Life has been fairly quiet now that The Sexy Voice Hoax is over.”
“Voice hoax? Oh, you mean those fiends with bad voice advice. Yes, Saraswati, Aphrodite and Venus did a wonderful job quelling that nonsense.
No, my dear, I fear I am visiting you due to a larger issue. One goes far beyond the physical voice into the spiritual realm. It has spread like a virus throughout the world and you, dear one, are on the cusp of succumbing to it yourself.”
“Me, Goddess? But how? I raise my voice for spiritual nourishment. I believe that singing is a great healing force and to sing is to add power to my prayers and intentions.”
“Yes, dear, and that’s all well and good. However, on a daily basis you are sinking into the abyss of the ‘Don’t Want’ mentality.”
“What do you mean, Goddess?”
“Kathleen, dear, you just told me that you believe singing gives your prayers power. Does it not make sense that speaking does the same?”
“I suppose so, Goddess.”
“Then follow along, dear. I’ve been observing mortals for eons and one of their major faults is having a deep need to share about what it is they don’t want.
For example: You don’t want short hair. You don’t want a partner with a whimpy handshake. Goddess Forbid, you don’t want your children to grow to be artists. That one really gets me! Art has a spiritual abundance that cannot be measured as a commodity. Tally it up! You name it and mortals have cornered the market on not wanting it.
This makes my job very difficult, Kathleen. How can I bring mortal desires to fruition when all the information I have tells me what they don’t want!”
“Yes, Goddess.”
“It’s like your automobile shopping. You mumble to yourself that you don’t want this or that and all of this negativity simply breeds more negativity, and this lack of clarity around what you do want puts up a wall between you and your heart’s true desires because all I hear are prayers for what you don’t want and I haven’t a clue as to what your heart’s desire really is! It’s gotten so pervasive world-wide that I’ve given it a name. I call it “The Don’t Want Virus”.
“Um.. Hmm… I see what you mean. What can I do to help myself and others like me, Goddess?”
“Take what I’ve told you, Kathleen, and start posting videos about it. Use those social media platforms you love so much. Maybe even start posting public videos on your YouTube channel instead of making everything, ‘For Members Only’.”
“You know, Goddess, it’s truly divine timing that you say that. Last night, I decided to start posting a series of free videos on my YouTube channel. New visitors will think it looks sparse but that’s only because I’ve used it as an Insider Access Only delivery channel until now. Um….Hmmm… Let me think. Yes, I see it. What I imagine I can create! What I speak, I call into my life as my powerful and clear words reach you, Goddess.”
“Now you understand, dear!”
“I will post a series of free videos, based on your guidance, to help combat “The Don’t Want Virus”! I’ll use my expertise in voice training to show others how to ask for what they want in a specific way that can’t help but manifest their dreams into reality. I already do this with my private clients but I can only serve so many people through customized coaching. I can reach many more through video.”
“That sounds perfect, dear. Now that you have that well in hand, I give you one last piece of advice. Refrain from giving voice to any confusion about an automobile purchase. Mentally decide what you want and then speak it out loud so I know how to make your automobile dream come true.”
“Thank you, Goddess! I will!”
“Carry on, my dear. I have a feeling your YouTube channel videos are just the medicine needed to stop the spread of ‘The Don’t Want Virus’.”
With that, the Goddess Lakshmi disappeared.
“I’d better get to work! Dear Readers! You are the first to know… Coming soon to my YouTube channel, ‘How to Manifest Your Dreams with Words!”
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If you prefer personalized guidance for how you to use your voice to manifest your dreams, check out my Voice Rescue program by clicking here.
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We are so used to focusing on what we don’t want that we neglect to pay more attention to what we do want. Is it any surprise when we keep getting what we don’t want?
It is amazing how we can continue to be surprised, isn’t it, Barb? 🙂
In the early stages of manifesting, I have found it helpful to say I don’t want to discover what I do want. When I am clear on what I want, I move forward full steam ahead. Great post Kathleen. I also subscribed to your channel on YouTube!
I love your thinking, Lisa! Being open to the possibilities often brings more than what we expect. Thank you for subscribing! 🙂
Great post, Kathleen, and a wonderful reminder to pay attention to what is asked. What we focus on is brought to us whether or not we really wanted it. Have fun with the vehicle purchase process.
So true, Cindy! Still vehicle hunting. Haven’t found the right one yet but each tes drive brings me closer. 🙂
Love this Kathleen and yes I know this and love the idea of the videos , subscribed xxoo
Thank you, Suze!!! xoxo
When I’m stuck not knowing what I really want, I do the simple yet powerful Clarity by Contrast exercise. It’s simple yet powerful and the only time when knowing what I don’t want helps me manifest what I really do want!
I love that idea, Vatsala!
Just what the doctor ordered. I’ve had a frustrating few weeks and fallen into some bad mental habits. This might be one of them. Thanks!
I’m glad I was able to offer some light heartedness and still inspire you. Set backs are normal,keep focusing on the way forward.