Mabon 2018 Kathleen GubitosiHere we are Autumn already! I can’t believe it! This year has flown by. It’s been a year of great expansion in my life. New friends, new projects and a new direction in my business have all bloomed! I am very happy with my progress this year. Still, there are things left undone. Goals, plans, dreams left to whither like wayside wildflowers.

The change of season can be a bittersweet time here in the US. Kids go back to school, we see the time pass as they grow and those of us without our own children look on with amazement at the changes in those around us.  It is an appropriate time to pause and look back on our lives. It’s no accident that many high holy days involving reflection occur this time of year.

For me, I take it as a brief stop to acknowledge the blessings of my life this past year before I get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of NY at holiday time. I know that from today to New Year’s Eve will pass by even quicker. October, is my favorite time of year. Halloween decor abounds and I get to put the finishing touches on the very last of my yearly goal achievements and look toward November with gratitude and December with renewed hope. Now, between today and the end of October which marks the last harvest, this time is a gap, the liminal space where we can still clean up the loose ends and plans of the current year and begin to dream of a totally new cycle before stepping into it fully.

Think back! What was going on in your life at the Spring Equinox, also known as Ostara, at the end of March. How far have you come since then? This year, so much has happened, it seems to me like light years away.

Are there things you planned that are still in the last phase of growth? I have some things left to work on before I start to rest and plan for next year. There is still time, sun is still shining! Growth is still possible. I can do it by the time daylight savings ends here in NY.

Are there things to put on the list for next year? Yes, some ideas I didn’t get to this year, some fell through the cracks and other dreams or ambitions are just beginning to emerge.

I remind myself that it’s OK for dreams to change. It’s OK to not do everything on my list and some goals are worth waiting for a time when I can truly give it my all so they can be fully realized.

One final thought for the day! Time to decorate! I love Fall! Autumn Leaves, Red and Gold! Get out those sweaters, wrap up your plans, and keep dreaming!

Blessings of the Season!

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