Welcome to the Full Moon in Sagittarius! The Last Full Moon of Spring!

If you are new to following moon cycle guidance you need to know that Full Moons are about releasing. What can I let go of so that I can manifest my intentions? This is the question you want to ask yourself at Full Moon time.

Personally, I write down intentions/goals that I want to work on at New Moon and work very hard on them for the two weeks or so leading up to the Full Moon. Once the Full Moon window opens, I start to think about what I need to release in order to help my intentions of New Moon time become a reality.

Moon cycle wisdom can be a bit confusing at first so I ask the people in my circle to think of it this way.

New Moon = New Growth… wish, dream and go, go, go for your goals!
Full Moon = Release… let it go, change it up, and hear your wake up call!

One thing I find particularly effective at Full Moon time is to sit in my sacred space, candle lit with soft music playing and reflect on the things, thoughts, ideas, activities, that came up in the last two weeks which are holding me back or just flat out stopping me from manifesting my intentions.

Let’s face it. We all, at some point, get totally wrapped up in achieving that we forget to look at what we need to lose. This is the power of the Full Moon. It allows us time to re-evaluate what’s working and what’s not. It’s our out! It gives us the freedom to either let it go or change it up!

Here’s an example:

At new moon time, Kathleen chose five goals to work on this month instead of her usual two goals. Kathleen is so focused on achieving the multiple deadlines she’s set for herself that she burns the candle at both ends. This wears her down and she is no longer the fun loving (triple Gemini) woman she used to be. She is pushing herself too hard and it’s having a negative impact on her work, her relationships, and her overall joy of life.

At full moon time, Kathleen gathers her goal book, her date book, her white Full Moon candle, her white faux fur blanket, some crystals, perhaps her chakra wand, puts on some instrumental music and reflects on the main astrological themes of the moment. This month it’s the Moon in Sagittarius with the Sun in Gemini.

As she looks back in her goal book, she realizes that having too many goals is overwhelming and killing her spirit! All she does is work, work, work, and the work is no longer fun! Who wants the energy of “no fun” in their work?! Kathleen then contemplates the current month’s Full Moon aspects, Creativity (Gemini) and Expansion (Sagittarius), she acknowledges these five goals are self-imposed deadlines.

Kathleen’s Full Moon Wake Up Call is “Something’s gotta give!”

Her solution is to put two of the goals on the back burner since noone else is waiting for her to complete the work. Kathleen has released some goals that were weighing her down and she now able to have fun creatively exploring (Gemini/Sagittarius) the three goals she has chosen to prioritize.

Fun Facts about this month’s Full Moon!

Sagittarius = The Explorer Archetype, take action, have an adventure, live your passion, growth through optimism, fuel for the fire, get some sun!

Gemini = The Creator Archetype, talk, write, communicate, focus, network, have fun, create, joint ventures, video and FB live, lighten up and shine like a star!

Voice Tip for this Full Moon!

Re-evaluate your word choices.

Are the vibration and energy (Sagittarius) of your communications (Gemini) in alignment with your mission? Your personal values? Your business identity?

Choose your message with care! Be creative! Explore some new words!

Let these new words settle in your body. How do they make you feel? Do they FEEL like your mission? Your personal values? Your business identity?

Re-read your bio, your resume, the article you’re writing, the song lyrics you’re performing.

Which words are most important? Are you expressing the words or lyrics as you feel them or as you’ve heard someone else say or sing them?

Where is YOUR identity in the music of your words?

In your articles, poems, stories, lyrics and classes, which words can be replaced with more passionately resonating words (Sagittarius/Gemini)? Which can be eliminated (Full Moon)?

Full Moon Mantra: Let old words go and see life grow!

Happy Full Moon!

P.S. If you liked this article and would like to learn more about aligning your voice with your message my Voice Alchemy Voice Image Makeover program may be for you.

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