This Sunday brings the New Moon in Aries. This means excitement, decisive action and direct communication for those of you who follow the moon cycles for your intention, wishes and goal setting.

The archetype of Aries, God of War, is not one that minces words. Aries tendency is to aim first and ask questions later. He is the action taker. The fierce warrior who charges in where others fear to tread and boldly confronts the elephant in the room that everyone else is avoiding.

They say that many Aries rising people have red hair. I have one such friend. He is indeed one to rush into situations that others wouldn’t go near. This has made him a champion of the poor, the neglected, the marginalized and the abused. He is a gladiator in the finest sense of the word, a righteous warrior. He fights with his words and actions and many times the actions come first followed with the explanation a day or so later. He is very brave and this Libra rising diplomat, “let’s all get along” lady, has learned a lot from him. 

It is the Aries energy that stands up for equal pay standards, gives voice to the stories of #metoo, and puts our feet on the street to march for what we believe in no matter the issue. 

Some of my friends would say it’s the Athena archetype who gives us this; I disagree. Athena was not a Goddess of War, but rather the Goddess of Wisdom and Strategy. She guided the warriors with her foresight, gave them the tools and the moves, the container, in which to be successful in their battles. 

We would do well to combine these energies for the next two weeks. 

Ask yourself these questions. Make your plan. Have a strategy. Be brave. Be energetic. Be decisive in your action. Be direct and respectful of yourself and others in your communications. Stand your ground for what you believe and what you want out of life.


New Moon Contemplation Aries 2018

For creative types like me, I am focusing energy in performance tonight. I am a musical warrior, raising my voice in song so others may have food and a warm, welcoming place to eat it. We all have our gifts. I’m not a cook. I don’t like preparing food, but my voice has helped feed many, provided housing, educational equipment and funding for community programs. It is my way of saving lives.

I am blessed to know many such creative warriors. Let their generous and fiery spirit be your inspiration. 

Whose life can you save today by raising your voice through your art, your sport, your business and your engagement with others? 

We are coming off of Mercury Retrograde today so compassionate straight talk with muscle behind it will be very effective over the next couple of weeks.  

Blessings of Spring’s creative energy to everyone who reads this! 


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