This month we’ll be talking about “VITALITY” in the Voice and Biz Alchemy Group. Here’s a video to show some extra tools that can be used to focus your energy during the time of Leo!

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Hi Everybody!

This is Kathleen Gubitosi of I am the leader of the Voice and Biz Alchemy group on Facebook, and I’m coming to you this month with our theme of “Vitality”. You’ll notice that I have a lot of cool things out here on display. This is my vitality altar in progress. I like to use a variety of metaphysical tools, because they help me to focus my energy. It’s just like being on a schedule, or putting your goals up on your mirror in the bathroom in the morning, or up on the wall where you see them all the time. I happen to like to light a candle and then meditate, that keeps my goals in front of me.

In order to talk about Vitality, I want to explain to you briefly, what we’re looking at in terms of the energy system in the body, and this is my chakra wand, which I got from Sage Goddess, and really all of these things here on this particular altar came from Sage Goddess, if anybody’s curious about that. We start with security in the root chakra, and do you feel safe in your life? And then we move up into our sacral chakra, which is our creativity center, and then our empowerment chakra, which is the solar plexus chakra, and that’s yellow and then there’s green for the heart chakra, blue for the throat chakra, and indigo color for our third eye, our intuition, and a purple color for our crown chakra and our connection to spirit.

What happens with our voice is that it gets out of alignment, our inner voice and our outer voice don’t match, so that creates something that we recognize as cognitive dissonance, and we just don’t feel right. I don’t sound like myself, I don’t feel like myself. I have lost my mojo, I’ve lost my groove, and this is how we get our vitality back. We’re going to be discussing a lot of that in the Voice and Biz Alchemy group, so I hope you can join us there if you’re not a member. It is free to join. Just find us on Facebook, Voice and Biz Alchemy.

We’ll be talking about voice exercises you can use and some other concepts, some role models that you can follow, people you can use as examples to bring more vitality into your speech and your talking and your performing, as well as some of these lovely tools that I have right here.

This is the month of Leo, and I am surrounded by Leos in my life. I have to tell you. My dad’s a Leo, my sister’s a Leo, my sister’s boyfriend is a Leo. I have a nephew who’s a Leo. They’re everywhere, and they have lots of energy! Leos are leaders. They’re very animated. They’re out there, They’re a performer. A lot of people that you will see on television are Leos, and these colors fall right in with that, because they are all about vitality and just really being out there.

This is carnelian, which is the the Leo stone, the absolute, absolute top Leo stone. It offers a boost of energy and stamina unlike anything you’ve ever seen. If you are looking to activate your creativity and your energy, this is a crystal form of caffeine.

Next, I have a peach moonstone, and peach moonstone is very good for the emotional connection, because it’s all wonderful to be out there and be vital and run around and exercising a lot, but if you don’t have the connection to your emotions, you’re still out of alignment. The peach moonstone will help you to get under the surface of what’s causing this disconnect between your inner and your outer voice, and give you the ability to live in more alignment.

Then we have, oh my gosh, serpentine. I like serpentine, because serpentine is very good for awakening what’s known as the Kundalini energy, and that is the energy that runs in a wavy pattern through our body, connecting all of our energy centers. That’s wonderful for opening up all of your chakras, all of your energy centers.

Next is tangerine quartz, which is another favorite of mine. This is a very, very powerful stone for connecting with your inner warrior and releasing fear. I used to carry this with me a lot, because I had a lot of stuff going on in my life that I needed to just bolster myself, and some people like having a “touchstone”. Other people don’t. Technically and quite literally, a touchstone for me is tangerine quartz. It’s great to use to eliminate your fear, bring on courage, hope and fertility if you are trying to become pregnant, and it’s also good for creative problem-solving.

What else do we have here? Well, look at this. We have a shiva lingam, and the shiva lingam is the sexy-time stone. If you are looking to revitalize that aspect of your life, then this is the stone that you want. It’s great for moving that stagnant energy out and bringing in new happier healthier energy to that part of your life.

Here we have, oh yes, my favorite, orange calcite. I love orange calcite. Not everyone does. A lot of people go for this carnelian over here, and that’s fine too. I like that one. It’s for creativity, but the orange calcite is creativity and the sexy-time energy and sensuality all in one, and it is one of my favorite stones. I’m always drawn to it. I walk into a store, and it’s like right to the orange calcite, “There you are.” And it’s a very magnetic type of energy, so it will pull that out of the ether towards you.

The colors that we’re going to be working with for Vitality are the orange, you see the orange for the sacral chakra, and yellow for the solar plexus chakra, because our power comes from our creativity and using our voice, our gut feelings, and finding a way to express those in a healthful way in the world.

Now, I also am concerned that you may not be feeling too safe doing this work. In which case I would suggest that you use some red jasper, which is a very good grounding stone. I also happen to like black kyanite. That keeps me grounded. It is also the stone that doesn’t require any clearing, but can clear every other stone, so it’s very good at eliminating negativity. If you have a lot of negative vibes, use black kyanite.

This is a sweet smelling frankincense candle. You want to ground yourself, and this is great for that. A little extra crystal, I was pulling cards before, and I came up with yellow fluorite, which is also a personal power stone. So, if you’re looking to move along in your soul path in terms of pulling out more personal power, yellow fluorite is it. I have my orange candles, my yellow candles, my personal favorite, my orange calcite sphere, and one should never forget that when you’re trying to build up your vitality, you also need to have a period of rest, so this is my Restore candle, which I also got from Sage Goddess, if anybody’s curious.

You want to take some time out too, because you can’t just go, go, go, go, go! You’re trying to integrate all of this work and get your emotions in alignment, and get your creativity going, and health-wise feeling better as you align your chakras and fix your energy patterns and ground yourself. All this stuff. So many many things to be concentrating on. You have to quiet the mind, and you need to rest. You need physical rest, so make sure that you get your sleep. If you want to get more vital in your life, you need to get more sleep, and that’s all of my exciting tools here.

Now remember, you don’t need any of these! You don’t need to go running out to any type of store to get anything to help you with your Vitality. These are mine. I like them. They’re decorative. I do use them in my practice to help me direct my own energy, and of course always, a clear quartz to magnify the energies of the other stones, but you don’t need any of this, because you have everything right inside you.

I also like to use these cards for guidance. Oh my gosh, look at this! Wow! Septarian, one of my favorite, favorite stones which we don’t have here. I have some on my living room table, because I just love them. They’re about ancient earth wisdom, shielding from negativity, a good protection stone, communicating with your elders, and that reminds me that a lot of issues around Vitality and health are inherited.

They may not be emotionally inherited. They may be.There is more and more research showing that our physical condition is emotionally related to our family of origin, so your family history, ancestral connection, all plays into your Vitality. We all have natural tendencies, but we can work through those and we can learn new patterns, and that’s what I’m here to help you with.

I hope you liked this video. If you did, please comment below, and I will be following up with you during the month in the group, Voice and Biz Alchemy on Facebook.

This is Kathleen Gubitosi of wishing you all a lovely day. Bye for now.



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