Voice School Online™

Kathleen Gubitosi Voice School Online

Is this you?

Your voice is dry and tired.
You use lozenges, lifesavers and gum all the time.
You have difficulty talking over background noise.
Your coaching job is killing your voice.
You have asthma or allergies that effect your voice.
You don’t like the sound of your voice.
You aren’t being considered the career opportunities you desire.
You’re not getting cast in the parts you want or have difficulty with range.
You have a hard time making it through the work day without getting hoarse.

You are not alone!

Most people experience voice issues at some point in their lives. The odds of this increase exponentially if you work in a noisy atmosphere where you have to struggle to be heard in order to do your job.

The truth is this: When you rely on your voice for your livelihood you need to be on top of your game every day!

Vocal strain doesn’t just adversely effect your career and your success in the workplace, it flows over into your personal life negatively impacting your relationships with your family and your friends, it influences your choices of how you spend your free time, and is a difficult health challenge to recover from given constant use.

Voice Health is of utmost importance to me. Voice Preservation Skills should be part of everyone’s work out program but voice health isn’t something most of us think about until we can’t talk.

This Voice Alchemy: Voice School Onlinecourse is an introduction to voice preservation and voice image strategies. It consists of FB Live Chats in the private Voice and Biz AlchemyFB Group with online support and Q&A Feedback from me, recorded video modules along with downloadable tip sheets and strategy activities you can implement immediately to get yourself on the road to healthy voice use and avoid what could become a career threatening injury.

You will learn strategies to:Voice Alchemy Star

Prevent vocal strain
Prepare your voice for the work day
Combat dryness, allergies and illness
Manage your daily vocal load
Find your best speaking range
Project the voice with ease and clarity

Do you want to communicate all day ease?

Can you see yourself enjoying time with your family instead of needing a vocal rest period?

This Free offering is perfect for anyone who needs to talk many hours a day, who wants to amp up their effectiveness with clients or students, and is interested in a holistic approach to voice health and voice power. Topics change quarterly. Visit the Facebook Group for information on the latest content offering.

If you are ready to protect your most valuable communication tool, your voice, this is for you.

Still unsure, read some of the Praise for the Voice Alchemyprogram and Voice School Online!


If the FB Live/Video module format is not for you or you prefer individualized coaching, I am offering a Special Rate for NEW One on One clients that are members of my Voice and Biz AlchemyGroup, 3 – 30 minute sessions for $150. Here’s the catch! This is a time sensitive offer! The deadline to sign up is Mabon on Friday, Sept 21, 2018! Sessions will be held via Zoom meeting and must be completed by October 31, 2018. 

Click the button to sign up! 

Please contact me here, with any questions or concerns. If you prefer you may send a private message through my Facebook business page or the Voice and Biz AlchemyGroup, I’d love to schedule time to chat.

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